Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I'm bringing phyzix back...

I've been given the task of redesigning my organization's logo. I work at AAPT (American Association of Physics Teachers), which is a nonprofit promoting physics education. The image to the left is our current logo. If you can see all the letters, congratulate yourself on being one of the few. The criteria for the new logo includes legibility, attractiveness, conjures movement, and easily recognizable. I tried incorporating all these concepts, and at the same time come up with an image of a P integrated with a T, to symbolize the relationship between physics and teaching. I hope that it is successful in meeting all the criteria. I've gotten feedback from my coworkers and executive officer, but would love to hear what my fellow designers and writers think about it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Have you heard...

CS3 has officially been released? I don't know about you, but I'm excited! I can't wait to try out all the cool new features. Though I do think it's time Adobe updates its blocky ugly square logo. It just turns the perfection of the "A" into a horrible mess.